Fifty and Fabulous

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A 4 Week Transformation Program – Coming Fall 2021

Age is just a number, yet many women don’t feel this way when they hit menopause. The hormonal changes women go through at menopause opens up a can of worms which may include anxiety, depression, body aches, insomnia, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes to name just a few. Hormone balance is the key to navigating through the challenges of menopause.

Unfortunately, the medical community offers very little to support women suffering from menopause and many women are hesitant to discuss this with their doctors.  As someone who has experienced this firsthand, I can tell you there is a better way to live through these changes.  This program is for you if you believe that menopause is not a disease but an opportunity for transformation to our true self.

Contact Information

Store Address:

1700 King Rd Unit #27, King City, ON L7B 0N1

Phone Number:


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