Crushing Cholesterol

Home Crushing Cholesterol

Crushing Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. Cholesterol reducing medications are the most commonly prescribed drug. Studies have shown that dietary changes can have a huge impact on reducing the bad cholesterol and improving the good cholesterol. Medical guidelines recommend lifestyle changes as the first step in balancing cholesterol levels. This program is designed for you if you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol and you wish to make lifestyle changes before considering medications, or, if you are already on medications and wish to improve your diet and lifestyle to help improve your cholesterol levels

It includes

  • 20 minute introductory session to determine if this program is for you
  • 60 minute in-depth appointment to identify lifestyle factors that could be contributing to high cholesterol levels and create a care plan
  • 2 week meal plan containing high fiber meals designed to improve cholesterol levels
  • Two 30 minute follow up appointment to monitor progress, check on food journal, Identify road blocks and fine tune the care plan to ensure success

Cost: $250

Contact Information

Store Address:

1700 King Rd Unit #27, King City, ON L7B 0N1

Phone Number:


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